The Genesis Creation Stories: Light for Our Weary World?
The two accounts of creation in Genesis are the subject of much controversy. Many see it as a literal account of how our world came to be. We will consider it as a literary masterpiece dealing with the why our world is. When it was compiled in the fourth century B.C.E., the Jewish people were returning from exile in Babylon and Persia. They faced ruins, literally in Jerusalem, and figuratively, dashed hopes for the future.
The Book of Genesis was intended to remind them not only their of origins with Abraham, but also God’s design for creating the earth. It served as a beacon of light and hope in a world of chaos that seemed upside down. This is precisely the world we face.
Prof. Robert Miller (by taped presentation) will lead us in reflecting on the ancient message that is as relevant today as it was 2400 years ago. Join us for discussion and refreshments.